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Recent topics from the TMPDIR Community:

  • by cbrake
    Just discovered Aider: aider Home aider is AI pair programming in your terminal This is a Python program that you […]
  • by cbrake
    We have many options for serialization formats – when do we use what? A few thoughts prompted by this discussion […]
  • by cbrake Forums – 23 Jul 24 DRC spacing errors for unconnected pins Layout tutorial v8_0 With unconnected pins, I was […]
  • by cbrake
    The TMPDIR podcast – 19 Jul 24 Chris Cole – Running LLMs on Microcontrollers A discussion about AI at the […]
  • by cbrake
    Interesting 32-page analysis by Goldman Sachs. It seems the general focus is on: can and how fast will AI replace […]
  • by cbrake
    The consolidation in the RTOS space is starting: This is likely a result of Zephyr, which is moving so […]
  • by cbrake
    The TMPDIR podcast – 28 Jun 24 Eystein Stenberg From Discussion about Mender, OTA update, product vs. platform, etc. […]
  • by cbrake
    Zephyr now ships with a HTTP server. There is a sample app that builds and runs on the STM32H7: However, […]
  • by cbrake Living with Linux and Android after two decades of Apple It now seems laughable that only a few months […]
  • by cbrake
    Omakub is a set of scripts to configure an Ubuntu workstation for web development. It installs a bunch of base […]
  • by cbrake
    Some interesting ideas: For example, instead of writing a comment on a pull request (PR), engineers and designers are […]
  • by cbrake
    Recently, I have been interested in using Zig as a C build/test tool. With that in mind, I started a […]
  • by cbrake
    USB Type-C ports are being increasingly used to deliver up to 100 Watts to devices. A few examples: Nvidia Jetson […]
  • by cbrake
    Excellent article by @awkwardengineer: Awkward Engineer The AwkEng Avoids Integration Risk by Integrating Hi all, Today's post shares some of […]
  • by cbrake
    We are exploring using D-Bus for a project, so collecting some notes about it. Overview The D-bus specification is located: […]
  • by cbrake
    One thing you will notice in Zephyr PRs is the zephyrbot assigns labels, reviewers, etc. Here is an example: Asking […]
  • by cbrake
    An example of a review by a new contributor in the Zephyr project: drivers: Lsm9ds1 driver zephyrproject-rtos:main ← miggazElquez:lsm9ds1_driver […]
  • by cbrake
    MCU’s are typically reprogramming, so there are several considerations when designing the hardware: easy hookup for development In-system programming Development […]
  • by cbrake
    Marcin provides an excellent overview of a recent Linaro event where ARM System Ready was discussed extensively. Linaro Connect […]
  • by cbrake
    Projects like Simple IoT and Yoe are designed to be used as the foundation for building commercial products. So, how […]