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Arch Linux Installation and Configuration

Arch Linux + Xfce has been my desktop operating system of choice for a number of years now. The following documents how I install and configure Arch Linux — mainly just notes for myself so I can setup/rebuild a system very quickly.

Base Install

When running base install, it is very convenient to ssh into the install environment from another machine so that you can copy/paste commands from the install instructions web page to the terminal:

  • systemctrl start sshd
  • passwd (set to something simple)
  • ip addr (note ip address)
  • Then from another machine: ssh root@<IP address>

Filesystem layout

  • 500MB for /boot, partition type EFI (EF)
  • the rest in a single partition mounted as /

There is little benefit in Arch to having separate /home, etc partitions. All this does is increase the likelihood that you’ll run out of space in one partition before another.


Typically use grub2.


  • pacman -S openssh
  • systemctl start sshd
  • systemctl enable sshd
  • configure ssh keys passphrase
    • with keychain, it is fairly painless to use passphrases on ssh keys. This is highly recommended to prevent misuse of the keys if your computer is stolen, etc.
    • add the following to .bashrc: eval $(keychain --eval --quiet id_rsa ~/.ssh/id_rsa)
    • add the following to .bash_profile: . ~/.bashrc


  • (allows normal user to run commands as root using sudo)
    • pacman -S sudo
    • vi /etc/sudoers
      • uncomment: %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
    • sudo gpasswd -a <user> wheel
      • this allows <user> to use sudo
  • log into your new system from another computer using ssh. This allows you to copy and paste commands from these instructions. Note, you must log in as a normal user, not root. Root login via ssh is disallowed for security reasons.
    • ssh <user>@<ip address>
    • sudo su (become root user)

Install packages

  • common packages: pacman -Sy xorg-server xorg-apps xorg-xinit xterm pipewire pipewire-pulse wireplumber pavucontrol udisks2 udiskie bash-completion ttf-liberation ttf-bitstream-vera ttf-dejavu noto-fonts noto-fonts-emoji ttf-firacode-nerd ttf-hack-nerd ttf-iosevka-nerd thunderbird chromium firefox gimp inkscape git neovim go nautilus file-roller gvfs-mtp gvfs-gphoto2 stow tmux screen base-devel go wget rsync okular evince cups hplip system-config-printer libreoffice-fresh libreoffice-extension-texmaths hunspell hunspell-en_US sudo wmctrl docker keychain sshfs ansible net-tools lsof tcpdump wireshark-qt jq kicad kicad-library kicad-library-3d easytag python-pip fd xsel
  • Install development packages: pacman -S shfmt shellcheck
  • Install video drivers (with pacman -S)
    • x86/Nvidia (OSS): xf86-video-nouveau
    • x86/Nvidia (proprietary): nvidia
    • x86/Nvidia older cards (proprietary): nvidia-390xx
    • rPI video: xf86-video-fbturbo-git
  • Install desktop environment:
    • XFCE: pacman -S xfce4 xfce4-goodies
    • KDE: pacman -S plasma kde-applications

Login manager

  • pacman -S sddm
  • systemctl enablesddm
  • systemctl start sddm
  • (slim is an alternative login manager if sddm does not work)
  • create .xinitrc in every users home directory with the following contents. This is only required if you are not using a login manager.
    • exec startxfce4


Misc customizations

  • enable pipewire-pulse user unit
    • systemctl --user enable pipewire-pulse
    • systemclt --user start pipewire-pulse
  • no sudo for /usr/local:
  • add your user name to standard groups
    • sudo gpasswd -a <user> lp
      • required for printing
    • sudo gpasswd -a <user> uucp
    • sudo gpasswd -a <user> audio
    • sudo gpasswd -a <user> video
    • sudo gpasswd -a <user> docker
  • Start neovim when I type vi
    • sudo ln -sf nvim /usr/local/bin/vi
  • Set up dotfiles
    • git clone
    • cd dotfiles
    • stow tmux
    • stow nvim
    • stow screen
  • Install stuff needed by neovim
    • vi
    • :GoInstallBinaries

Desktop manager preferences


  • configure Xfce preferences
    • disable window preview when cycling: Settings->Window manager tweaks->show windows preview in place of icons when cycling (this setting does not seem to be present anymore in xfce4)
    • don’t have windows changing workspaces. This keeps chromium windows from all ending up in workspace: Settings->Window Manager tweaks->Focus->when a window raises itself->do nothing
    • Settings->Keyboard->Application Shortcuts:
      • (move window to left half of screen) Super + G: wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,0,30,1280,1395
      • (move window to right half of screen) Super + H: wmctrl -r :ACTIVE: -e 0,1280,30,1280,1395
      • (launch terminal) Super + Return: dbus-launch gnome-terminal
      • (move workflowy to current desktop) Super + space: wmctrl -R Workflowy
    • Settings->Window Manager:
      • Previous workspace: Super + Left
      • Next workspace: Super + Right
      • Max window: Super + M
      • Hide window: Super + N
    • settings->Window Manager Tweaks->Accessibility: Key used to grab and move windows: Super (super + left click moves windows, super + right click resizes windows)


  • configure KDE preferences
    • Shortcuts (starts application or brings to foreground if only one instance is allowed)
      • start Konsole with Win->Enter keyboard shortcut
      • start Workflowy with Win->Space keyboard shortcut
    • Display Configuration
      • Set 4K Global scale to 200% (fractional scaling makes fonts look bad and should not be used)
    • Task Switcher
      • don’t show selected window
      • Compact switcher
    • Cursors
      • on 27″ UHD, set size to 36
      • Window Behavior
        • Focus follows mouse
    • Desktop session
      • Start with an empty session
    • Configure some apps (like workflowy) to show in all Activities
      • Window-Rules
        • Window class, Exact Match: WorkFlowy
        • Add Property -> Activities: Apply Initially: All Activities
    • Disable file search
      • Settings -> File Search -> uncheck Enable File Search
    • Settings->Autostart — add udiskie
      • This automounts USB flash devices
    • Desktop Effects -> uncheck Zoom (too easy to hit the wrong keys and accidentally zoom desktop)


  • for most desktop installations, network manager is recommended:
    • pacman -S networkmanager
    • systemctl start NetworkManager
    • systemctl enable NetworkManager
  • systemd-networkd can also be used to manage networks (I often used if only using Ethernet)
    • /etc/systemd/network/  
      • [Match]
      • Name=enp39s0
      • [Network]
      • DHCP=ipv4
      • MulticastDNS=yes

Clock/Time Synchronization

Arch by default does not enable time synchronization. To enable it:

sudo systemctl enable systemd-timesyncd
sudo systemctl start systemd-timesyncd