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Accepting Constraints in Build Systems

As Embedded Systems become more complex, the complexity of the process to build the software for these systems also increases. As humans, our ability to deal with complexity is limited, so we develop tools and processes to manage the complexity. In the end, these tools and processes are about constraints and patterns. A well-designed tool or process encourages you to do things in a way that is consistent and maintainable, which leads to reliable and predictable results.

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Git, Versioning, and Branching for Embedded Linux Development

When building a product using Linux, versioning and branching of your software is an important consideration. Everyone’s needs are different depending on the size of the team, culture, and testing requirements, so there is no one size that fits all. However, after working on a number of different projects for a dozen or so different companies, there are several practices that are often used.

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Separation of Source and Build Directories

As we work with larger and more complex systems (i.e. Linux), more and more of our time is spent on integration and pulling different pieces together.  We often need to debug or understand code we did not write — especially in build systems.  To work effectively in this scenario you must be able to quickly search through a lot of source code.  Therefore, we are always looking for ways to make this more efficient.

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Why Git?

Some time back, I gave a presentation that included an overview of the Git version control system.  I still occasionally get asked why Git should be used instead of Subversion, as it seems harder at first.  Most developers don’t really understand Git until they have used it for awhile, and then they will have an “aha moment.”  There are 3 features of Git that are especially interesting to me:

  1. many repositories (vs. one large repository)
  2. distributed development
  3. cheap branches

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